Purple Ragwort / Purple Groundsel (weed)
Senecio elegans
Photo: HB
COMMON NAME : Purple Ragwort / Purple Groundsel
BOTANICAL NAME : Senecio elegans
FAMILY : Asteraceae
SIZE : Small <2m
LOCAL NOTES: Native to South Africa.
It is now common in Sandy Point and at Shallow Inlet invading coastal dunes. It is found particularly on Ennisvale Track and in primary dune areas along Waratah Bay and Shallow Inlet.
It varies in height from 20 cm to almost a metre and its leaves are similar to Ragwort.
It has a bright purple flower with a yellow centre. It is Spring to Summer flowering and is easily pulled from the sandy soil and flower heads are best bagged and removed for safe disposal. This method of control has been useful in reducing its spread.
Contributor : HB
Species profile for this plant at VicFlora
Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
Weed Identification & Control
South Gippsland Landcare Network
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