Pink Fingers
Caladenia carnea
COMMON NAME : Pink Fingers
BOTANICAL NAME : Caladenia carnea
FAMILY : Orchidaceae
PLANT GROUP : Lilies & Orchids
SIZE : Small <2m
Specimen was found along the Roy Henderson Trail north of Sandy Point Road.
It was small growing to 10cm in height, with slender fine stem with white hairs visible on the stem. This orchid had one flower but specimens may have 1-5 pink flowers each one up to 30 mm across and flowering August to January.
This specimen was found flowering in November 2024.
The presence of Pink Fingers in Sandy Point, was recorded in Chas Pilkington’s Orchids of Sandy Point Diary (1920-1935) with the specimen as being found "200 yards east of middle waterhole on October 6th 1932". Chas described it as "Very dainty".
Contributor : HB
LEARN MORE : Species profile for this plant at VicFlora. Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.
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