WiSP Event: Everything Koalas
Location: Sandy Point Community Centre
11:00am – Open time: Colouring/activities for children, displays of habitat and wildlife items. Opportunity to look at merchandise and have discussions with WiSP and others.
11:30 – 12:00 Kid’s session: Interactive session with field camera captures and recent koala photos
12:00 - 1:00pm Open time: Colouring/activities for children, displays of habitat and wildlife items. Opportunity to look at merchandise and have discussions with WiSP and others.
1:00 -2:00 Updates on Shorebird and Habitat projects and a presentation about Habitat.
2:00 – 3:30 Everything Koala and the Koala Survey results.
WiSP is pleased to have Sue Moore our local wildlife carer specialist as our highly knowledgeable guest.
Contact WiSP wildlifeinsandypoint@gmail.com
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