Sandy Point Community Group
Photo credit: Ken Joyner
Caring for the environment and our community
The Sandy Point Community Group, through community engagement, advocates on behalf of the community and is committed to preserving our unique natural environment.
This Field Guide to Local Plants is brought to you by the Sandy Point Community Group.
A major focus of the Sandy Point Community Plan is to protect our unique natural environment.
Please join us to support our work, community events and advocacy.
Local Events
We try to keep this as up to date as possible with all regular and one-off local events, with contacts, times and dates. This is obviously more extensive in the summer months.
The News
A Blog post with all relevant local news and ongoing project updates.
Groups and Organisations
An extensive list of local groups and organisations with contact links and details.
Projects: Waratah Way
The Sandy Point Community Group (SPCG) has been campaigning for over ten years for a shared trail, Waratah Way, to be constructed along the inland side of the sand dunes, linking Sandy Point with Waratah.
Please feel free to contact SPCG with any questions you may have, using the contact form below.

If you would like to make a contribution to Sandy Point please join the Community Group.